Why Tenant Insurance

Please be advised your landlord does not carry tenants insurance on your behalf.
Renters-InsuranceTHEREFORE… it is important you carry tenant insurance.

  • insure your personal property – in the event of a loss such as fire or theft – your loss will be paid for on a replacement cost basis – that is the new price today
  • your personal property is insured away from your apartment – eg: personal property stolen out of your vehicle
  • additional living expenses coverage – will pay for another place to stay if an insured loss occurs and you cannot live in your apartment while it is being repaired
  • VERY IMPORTANT – if you cause a loss due to your “negligence” – such as a fire from an unattended candle or pot on a stove – you may be held responsible for the loss by the apartment owner’s insurance company.

For more information contact your local insurance broker.